Authentic Ninjutsu and Samurai Bujutsu from Soke Anshu Christa Jacobson (宗家 暗主)

Archive for January 18, 2013

Shinobi no Michi January Book Sale! 20% OFF of the Cover Price!

Shinobi no Michi — “Way of the Ninja
Here is the checkout code to get 20% off of your order:

Thank you for all of your support and positive feedback of the book!
You have all been great Thank you!
Soke Anshu Christa Jacobson
Headmistress of the Budo Ryu

Kansas City’s Only Authentic Ninjutsu Dojo


“Cultivate your happiness within the hard work of your daily passion and illuminate this positive emotional light through the dark fog that surrounds us all.

This will foster happiness within, and inspires others to follow. Remember; Budo is about polishing your training to make yourself and the others around you better, this can only be done through refining action.”

If you are interested in training in authentic ninjutsu and samurai bujutsu, please log on to the official website (  If you do not near one of our Authentic Ninjutsu Dojo’s than start your training today in the Budo Ryu Online University!

– Anshu Christa Jacobson
Headmistress of the Budo Ryu
School of the Warrior Way