Authentic Ninjutsu and Samurai Bujutsu from Soke Anshu Christa Jacobson (宗家 暗主)

Posts tagged “Female

Kunochi (くの一) Woman Ninja…


Kunochi (くの一; Woman Ninja)
My student and I getting ready for the 2014 Budo Ryu Ninjutsu Daikomyosai!
BUDO RYU (School of the Warrior Way)
Authentic Ninjutsu & Classical Samurai Bujutsu
✦ Start Training Today in our ONLINE NINJA DOJO ✦
#SokeAnshu #WarriorWitch #Kunoichi #Geisha

Budo Ryu Ninjutsu Dojo… What is the Budo Ryu?

School of the Warrior Way

Follow me on Facebook! (martial arts posts)

Follow me on Twitter! (escort / erotic arts posts)

Official Fan Page of Soke Anshu!

Official Website of the Budo Ryu Dojo!

Live life to be happy,… Warrior Zen

“If in our daily life we can smile, if we can be peaceful and happy, everyone will profit from it, not just ourselves. This is the most basic kind of peace & balance.”

Soke Anshu Christa Jacobson (宗家暗主)
Headmistress of the Budo Ryu; School of the Warrior Way
Member; World Martial Arts Hall of Fame
21st Soke of the Tomo-ryu Tradition
4th Soke of the Kosei-ryu Tradition

Anshu Christa Jacobson — Reality Video (#011) Hanging Out, Having Fun and Naka-kon the Anime Convention!

Official Facebook page of Anshu Christa Jacobson
Official Fanpage of Anshu Christa Jacobson
Budo Ryu Ninjutsu Super Store
This is a reality video that was shot for the official fan website of Anshu Christa Jacobson.  I hope that you enjoy the video!
Thank you all for your wonderful support!
Soke Anshu Christa Jacobson
Headmistress of the Budo Ryu
School of the Warrior Way

Anshu Christa Jacobson — Reality Video (#0009) The Transgender Truth

Dean Eichler’s signed petitions:
Not for sure why I have to openly discuss my personal life.  This has nothing to do with the instruction of the martial arts or any of my other professions.  However; I am an open and honest person that does not have any mean or cruel intentions.  And for anyone to constantly belittle and harassment about my gender is hate.  Hate at any level should not be tolerated.
I do not force my personal opinions or personal beliefs on my students in anyway.  My job as a martial arts teacher is not to show them their way.  It is to help guide them through their journey.
Any person regardless of Race, Religion, Sexual Preference, Gender, Hobbies, Political Stand, Conservative or Liberal as long as they have a good heart and are willing to be open minded and train, I would love to work with them in the art that I teach…Budo Ryu: School of the Warrior Way.

Official Facebook page of Anshu Christa Jacobson
Official Fanpage of Anshu Christa Jacobson
Official Website of the Budo Ryu Dojo
This is a reality video that was shot for the official fan website of Anshu Christa Jacobson.  I hope that you enjoy the video!

Thank you all for your wonderful support!

Soke Anshu Christa Jacobson
Headmistress of the Budo Ryu
School of the Warrior Way

Sexy Kunoichi Valentine


Soke Anshu Christa Jacobson
Headmistress of the Budo Ryu
School of the Warrior Way


Authentic Historical Ninjutsu & Traditional Samurai Bujutsu


BUDO RYU (武道流)
School of the Warrior Way
* Hombu Dojo: Kansas City, Ks
* 22 Schools World Wide
* Ninjutsu Online University
* Long Distance Training Available
* Authentic Historical Ninjutsu
* Traditional Samurai Bujutsu
For more information log on to the official website:

Anshu Christa Jacobson — Reality Video (#005) “In Kansas City” Part 1

Budo Ryu Dojo (武道流 道場) 2012 Tenchijin-Ryaku no Maki; 天地人略の巻 Workshop


In December of 2012 the Budo Ryu held a Tenchijin ryaku Kuden training event.  The Tenchijin is the basics of Togaure-ryu Ninpo Taijutsu.


The Ten Ryaku no Maki (Heavenly Strategy Book) consists of Taihenjutsu Ukemi Gata (rolls, breakfalls, leaping) where one discovers means of using the body to fall safely.  From there, Kamae (postures/attitudes) are studied and applied with taihenjutsu.  The core of our training is then started by the Sanshin no Kata (Three Heart Forms) which teaches the body solo movement work.  Another portion which creates our foundation is the Kihon Happo (8 Combat Forms) which teaches our body to work with a partner.  From there, we study Muto Dori Gata (Empty Handed Sword Evasion) which focuses on putting all of the above training together and escaping from three basic sword cuts.


The Chi Ryaku no Maki (Earthly Strategy Book) consists of Hajutsu Kyuho (nine grab escapes/break out methods) where we begin looking at escape methods from a variety of grabs, throws, kicks or punches.  After a firm understanding of the Kihon Happo, a more indepth study is applied to Gyaku Waza (reversal techniques), Nage Waza (Throwing Techniques) and Shime Waza (Choking Techniques).


The Jin Ryaku no Maki (Man Strategy Book) consists of Suwari Gata (sitting forms) where one begins learning to use the above mentioned while in a seated posture.  Katate Dori (counters to single handed grabs) and Ryote Dori (counters to two handed grabs) are then studied to prepare for Haibu Yori (defending the rear) where we defend ourselves against attacks from behind.  Tsuki Uchi (counters against punching attacks) covers basic means of dealing with punches and is completed with Keri Ni Taisuru Uke (counters against kicks).  Growing in the training, the student moves to Tsuki To Keri Ni Taisuki Waza (counters to punch and kicks) which utilize dealing with these combo attacks.  Nage Kaeshi (throw counters) studies the means of throwing the one trying to throw you.  Finally, we go back to Muto Dori Gata and apply all of the Strategy Book techniques into dealing with the attacking blade.


For more information please log on to our website:


Take care, Be safe and Good Luck in your Journey of Budo.


Soke Anshu Christa Jacobson

Headmistress of the Budo Ryu

School of the Warrior Way

Budo Ryu: School of the Warrior Way


The time of talk, is in the past. Cowards and those of low skill and rank will dishonor themselves and the arts as they attempt to manipulate others opinions never showing any high level of skill, high level of strength or high level of ability in the warrior traditions.
A true master will let actions speak louder than words. They simply open the door and show you the way.
– “The mongrel dog who tucks its tail between its legs and runs way from battle, should not bark.” Hajime Saitoh –
Do you want to learn authentic ninjutsu & samurai bujutsu? Than start your training today with a school that will truly show you the way of the warrior.
Budo Ryu
School of the Warrior Way


Anshu Christa Jacobson – Budo Ryu Dojo – Eishin Ryu Iaijutsu – 英信流居合術 – 武道 – 武術

This is some of the video footage from our Eishin-ryu Kuden Event in 2012.  In the training of this event we looked at the ancient samurai art of Iaijutsu!
Eishin-ryu Iaijutsu is one of the 7 Warrior Traditions of the Budo Ryu; School of the Warrior Way as the training goes in depth within the 7 traditions of the Budo Ryu Ninjutsu Dojo!
* Koka Ryu Kempo (甲賀流拳法)
* Tenjin Ryū Jujutsu (天神流柔術)
* Tomo Ryu Shinobijutsu (戸猛流忍術)
* Musō Jikiden Eishin-ryū (英信流居合術)
* Koto Ryu Koppojutsu (虎倒流骨法術)
* Gyokko-Ryū Kosshijutsu (玉虎流骨指術)
* Togakure-ryū Ninpo Taijutsu (戸隠流忍法体術)
For more information please log on to our website:
Take care, Be safe and Good Luck in your Journey of Budo.
Anshu Christa Jacobson
Headmistress of the Budo Ryu
School of the Warrior Way

Shinobi no Michi – Way of the Ninja – Book Promotion & Special Thanks


SHINOBI NO MICHI (Way of the Ninja)
This is a video promotion for the new book called “Shinobi no Michi”.  This book is the largest book every written in English on Authentic Ninjutsu & Samurai Bujutsu and can be purchased here:
This is a video to give thanks to all of those who helped me write the book as well as give a brief description about the contents of the book.
Thank you all very much for your support!


I hope that you all enjoy the book. You were the inspiration and the driving force for me to compile such a book. This is the largest book ever written on Authentic Ninjutsu and Samurai Bujutsu in English and I am hopes that you all enjoy it as much as I did writing it for all of you! With deep respect, thank you,…. (bow).

Christa Jacobson
Headmistress of the Budo Ryu
School of the Warrior Way

Budo Ryu: School of the Warrior Way


Wonder Woman 1976:
Carlo Indrezzano: YOU saved me?

Wonder Woman: Yes.

Carlo Indrezzano: Impossible. You’re a woman!

Wonder Woman: I have heard that once or twice before.

Do you love the ancient fighting methods of the Japanese warrior?
Do you want to learn authentic ninjutsu & samurai bujutsu?

A question to all men…….
Are you man enough to learn from a woman?

A question to all women…….
Are you women enough to be a warrior?

If you answered all the questions yes, then log on to the official Budo Ryu Ninjutsu website and start your training today!

Soke Anshu Christa Jacobson
Headmistress of the Budo Ryu
School of the Warrior Way

Anshu Christa Jacobson (Interview #002) “Halloween Special” – Kansas City, Ks, Budo, Ryu, Ninjutsu

This is an interview that was shot for the official fan website of Anshu Christa Jacobson.

In this video I answer questions that was sent to me from the Interview video (001).  Also I placed in video footage of my Halloween with my family and students having a good time!

I hope that you enjoy the video!

Thank you all for your wonderful support!

Soke Anshu Christa Jacobson
Headmistress of the Budo Ryu
School of the Warrior Way

Sanjaku-tenugui (三尺手拭い)

Soke Christa Jacobson

Picture Above:
Soke Anshu Christa Jacobson teaching Tomo ryu methods (戸猛流) utilizing various ninki (忍器; ninja tools) at the 2012 Tomo-ryu Shinobi Keiko (戸猛流忍 稽古).
Here she teaches various ways of using the Sanjaku-tenugui (三尺手拭い; 3 ft cloth) to aid in shinobi (忍び) missions.
A Tenugui (手拭い) is a thin Japanese hand towel made of cotton and was a common item during the Sengoku Jidai (戦国時代) and the Edo Jidai (江戸時代) for anyone of any social class to carry as it could be used as a head wrap, washcloth, dishcloth, headband, souvenir or decoration and as a head covering in Kendo (剣道).
It is typically about 35 by 90 centimeters in size (approx: 1 1/2 – 3ft in length), plain weaved and is almost always dyed with some pattern.  The shinobi (忍び) would take advantage of this common item and use it to aid them on missions in a variety of ways such as:  creating a shinobi zukin (忍び頭巾; ninja hood) climbing various objects, tying various objects together such as doors, people, tools and weaponry.
Budo Ryu; School of the Warrior Way

Anshu Christa Jacobson
21st Soke of the Tomo Ryu Tradition
Headmistress of the Budo RyuSchool of the Warrior Way
Founder of the Budo Ryu Online University
Owner of the Ninjutsu Super Store
Chief Editor of the Shinobi no Mono Magazine
Founder of the Ninjutsu International Federation
Professional Model and Artist

Bushido (武士道)

Soke Christa Jacobson


“If you cannot be a poet, be the poem.”
– David Carradine; 1936–2009

If you cannot express who you are in your journey of life through the human expressions of words and writings; then let the world see who you are through the various artistic expressions of art.

Learn to listen and understand yourself and show the world the one thing that no one else can give to the world; an honest expression you.

I hope that you all enjoyed today’s lesson!

Take Care, Be Safe and Good Luck in your Journey!

Anshu Christa Jacobson
21st Soke of the Tomo Ryu Tradition
Headmistress of the Budo RyuSchool of the Warrior Way
Founder of the Budo Ryu Online University
Owner of the Ninjutsu Super Store
Chief Editor of the Shinobi no Mono Magazine
Founder of the Ninjutsu International Federation
Professional Model and Artist


I hope that you enjoy the video promo! If you enjoyed the promo, the DVD is for sale!
Thank you all for your support!  Take care, be safe and good luck in your journey of Budo!

A Champion; by Jack Dempsey

Soke Christa Jacobson


Photo taken – 3.2012
Anshu Christa Jacobson teaching Goshinjutsu (self protection skills) against multiple attacker situations.

“A champion is someone who gets up, even when he can’t.”
– Jack Dempsey; 1895-1983

Train to live!

I hope that you all understand the lesson, I wish you all the best in your journey of Budo.

Thank you all for your support, take care and be safe.


Warrior Doko – Part 1 – Koryu, Bujutsu, Jujutsu, Kumi Uchi, Ne Waza

Soke; Anshu Christa Jacobson

Soke; Anshu Christa Jacobson

Photo taken: January 2012
Anshu Christa Jacobson teaching Kumi Uchi at the Budo Ryu Hombu Dojo.

Songs of the Way

In many forms of budo; doka (道歌), or “songs of the way” are presented to help teach the deeper meaning essence of the art; the Tenjin-ryu school of jujutsu (1 of the 7 warrior traditions of the Budo Ryu) is no different. These doka are arranged in the 5-7-5-7-7 syllable pattern of traditional Japanese waka (和歌) verse.


Shin no bu wa
Fude yak kuchi niwa
Kotobure naseba
Kami wa yurusaza


True Bu (do)
Cannot be described by
The brush or by the mouth –
The gods will not allow you
To rely upon words!

I hope that you enjoyed today’s lesson, I wish you all the best in your journey of Budo.

Anshu Christa Jacobson
Headmistress of the Budo Ryu; School of the Warrior Way
21st Soke of the Tomo Ryu Tradition
Headmistress of the Budo RyuSchool of the Warrior Way
Founder of the Budo Ryu Online University
Owner of the Ninjutsu Super Store
Chief Editor of the Shinobi no Mono Magazine
Founder of the Ninjutsu International Federation
Professional Model and Artist

The Hyodokyo – The 28 Mirror Ways of Strategy; By Miyamoto Musashi

Soke Tomo-ryu; Anshu Christa Jacobson


Picture taken 11.2011
Anshu Christa Jacobson
Budo Ryu Hombu Dojo

This morning I was getting ready, and my daughter asked me why I write a “to-do” list every morning when I drink my coffee. I told her because it helps me stay focused on the things that I need to do. She looked at me and shrugged; then went off to watch Phineas and Ferb.

The only way I feel to achieve constant progression is with the proper strategy. This is not just in war, but if life. Keep in mind I am saying “constant” progression, meaning you are succeeding in one area over a long period of time. To do this, I feel you have to devise the correct strategy and then carry out the smaller tasks so that you can then complete the larger objective.

Everyday I wake up; I make a to-do list. Even if some of the same things that I write on the list were on yesterday’s list; I write again, because today is today and what I need to get done is today; this also is part of understanding the principals of Shibumi-do (下味道).

In 1605 Miyamoto Musashi wrote The Hyodokyo (The Mirror of the Way of Strategy) was Miyamoto Musashi’s first piece of work. These 28 strategies I read and utilize all of the time in my daily objectives in all realms of life. These strategies written by Musashi was when he was between the ages of 21 and 24 (Two copies are extant still in the present day) and was his first written work on strategy, before the Gorin no sho (book of the 5 rings).

Clearly anyone reads this even if they do not have martial training, can understand that these are strategies of war. But a marital artist should read them as strategies of life. As you read them, understand we do not carry a sword, so what is the same meaning of all of the statements in the present day? How can we take these great strategies and apply them today? Everything has meaning, strategy, principals, study them, contemplate on them, and you will find the answer.

The 28 Mirror Ways of Strategy; By Miyamoto Musashi

(01) The state of mind of strategy.
(02) The way of looking.
(03) The way of holding the sword.
(04) About sword combat.
(05) The way of moving from place to place.
(06) The way of holding the body.
(07) The way of cutting.
(08) How to change the situation in the mindset of combat.
(09) Getting the other to drop his sword.
(10) “In” in combat
(11) “Yo” in combat
(12) How to discern the others state.
(13) Delivering a blow
(14) How to take the initiative.
(15) Striking while turning the point of the sword.
(16) Attacking the legs
(17) Attacking the hand
(18) How to avoid the point of the enemy’s sword.
(19) How to pass above the enemy’s sword.
(20) Moving with sliding steps.
(21) Discerning the real intention.
(22) The two swords.
(23) How to throw shuriken.
(24) Fighting against many opponents.
(25) Using Jutte.
(26) How to draw the various swords.
(27) The ultimate strike
(28) The state of direct communication. (Jiki Tsu)

I hope that you all enjoy today’s lesson, take care and be safe.

Anshu Christa Jacobson
21st Soke of the Tomo Ryu Tradition
Headmistress of the Budo RyuSchool of the Warrior Way
Founder of the Budo Ryu Online University
Owner of the Ninjutsu Super Store
Chief Editor of the Shinobi no Mono Magazine
Founder of the Ninjutsu International Federation
Professional Model and Artist

Happiness In Life

Happiness in Life

Soke Tomo-ryu; Anshu Christa Jacobson

Photo Taken: 10.18.2011
After class at the Budo Ryu Ninjutsu Hombu.

Yesterday’s classes at the Hombu Dojo made me realize how lucky I am to be able to do what I love to do everyday and make a living at it. I mean that is everyone’s dream isn’t it? To be able to do what you love to do, express who you are to the world and make a living doing it? The unfortunate thing is that not many get this opportunity or maybe,… not many are willing to take the chance.

It was said once by Confucius “Choose a job that you love and you will never have to work a day in your life”. He was right. I get the pleasure of everyday waking up and spending the rest of the day dedicated to the authentic ninjutsu and traditional samurai bujutsu and help teach the martial arts to the students of the Budo Ryu Ninjutsu Dojo.

Sure; there is work that has to be done; we make video downloads, shinobi no mono magazine, DVD’s for the Ninjutsu Super Store, and uploads and updates to the Budo Ryu Online Dojo as well as keeping in contact with all of our students and supports with our myspace page, facebook page and youtube channel. The greatest part that I find with what I do is that I never get frustrated at all because of what I am doing, I always feel like I want to do more than what I have; and to me that is a good thing!

You only have one life to live, live it to be happy, and don’t be scared to be yourself, that is what is going to really make you happy. Happiness starts within and then it is expressed outward. Just like art.


“The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique” – Walt Disney

Take Care, Be Safe and Good Luck in your Journey of Budo.

Shinobi Mumon no Ikkan – The Gateless Gate

The Gateless Gate

Soke Tomo-ryu; Anshu Christa Jacobson


“The great way has no gate;
There are a thousand different roads.
If you pass through this barrier once,
You will walk independently in the universe.”

The Gateless Gate (無門關)

The gateless gate is regarded as the greatest book of zen ever complied. It is a collection of 48 Chan (Zen) koans compiled in the early 13th century by the Chinese Zen master Wumen Hui-k’ai (無門慧開; 1183–1260).

This book was so profound even during the Sengoku Jidai (戦国時代); Samurai (侍)and Shinobi (忍び) families were reading these words as an aid towards enlightenment. In the Shoninki written by Natori Masatake of the Kishu-ryu school of Ninjutsu he writes:

“One of the most important things for you to do is always know everything you can of every place or province that is possible to know. When you are in that said province, be sure to read the feeling of the local people and do what is necessary according to the situation. If your mind is in total accordance with the “way” and understands reasoning and logic perfectly, than you can pass through the mumon no ikkan (The Gateless Gate; 無門關) “checkpoint”. This is a mental place that is barrier without a gateway that exist inside your mind. You will be able to pass through this mental stage because you will have a clear mind and reasonable thinking due to your training.” — Natori Masatake; Kishu-ryu; Shoninki

English translation; True path of the Ninja;
Secret Philosophies of the Ninja; Gokuhiden;

page 148; footnote information page 149

I hope that you enjoyed today’s lesson

Take Care, Be Safe and Good Luck in your Journey of Budo.

Anshu Christa Jacobson
21st Soke of the Tomo Ryu Tradition
Headmistress of the Budo RyuSchool of the Warrior Way
Founder of the Budo Ryu Online University
Owner of the Ninjutsu Super Store
Chief Editor of the Shinobi no Mono Magazine
Founder of the Ninjutsu International Federation
Professional Model and Artist

BUDO RYU – Kodachi 小太刀, Shinobigatana 忍刀, Iaijutsu 居合術

In this training event we looked at the Kodachi (小太刀) or short sword fighting skills from the Tenjin-ryu (天神流) and the Tomo-ryu (戸猛流). We also looked at many of the kata from the Togakure-ryu Shinobigatana (戸隠流忍刀). Towards the end of the training session we looked at various methods of Iaijutsu (居合術) with the Kodachi (小太刀).

I hope that you enjoy the video, thank you all for your support!

Take Care, Be Safe & Good Luck in your Journey of Budo.

Anshu Christa Jacobson
21st Soke of the Tomo Ryu Tradition
Headmistress of the Budo RyuSchool of the Warrior Way
Founder of the Budo Ryu Online University
Owner of the Ninjutsu Super Store
Chief Editor of the Shinobi no Mono Magazine
Founder of the Ninjutsu International Federation
Professional Model and Artist

Anshu Christa Jacobson – Guerrilla Warfare

Soke Christa Jacobson

Soke; Anshu Christa Jacobson

Photo Taken – 8.25.2011

“The Guerrilla fights the war of the flea, and his military enemy suffers the dogs disadvantages: too much to defend; too small, ubiquitous and agile an enemy to come to grips with. If the war continues long enough – this is the theory – the dog succumbs to exhaustion and anaemia without ever having found anything on which to close his
jaws or rake with his claws.”

War of the Flea
The Study of Guerrilla Warfare & Theory
Paladin Press 1970

I hope that you all enjoy the lesson!

Anshu Christa Jacobson
21st Soke of the Tomo Ryu Tradition
Headmistress of the Budo RyuSchool of the Warrior Way
Founder of the Budo Ryu Online University
Owner of the Ninjutsu Super Store
Chief Editor of the Shinobi no Mono Magazine
Founder of the Ninjutsu International Federation
Professional Model and Artist